"Aesthetix operates on 100% safe man hours till date"
Quality & HSE
- Understanding customer needs, requirements, expectations and delivering their needs on time every time.
- Operate with a culture that encourages open communications, entrepreneurship and continuous quality improvement.
- Our people are encouraged to act in accordance with our values. We involve them in our development, value their knowledge and experience, recognize their contribution and provide an environment in which they can attain their full potential.
- We develop strategic alliances with our suppliers and work with them to deliver mutually beneficial improvements in performance.
- Ensure that our Quality System is developed by giving our employees frequent training in its requirements and ensuring we fully participate in periodic audits and reviews.
- Assure and promote all obligations implied by legal and other requirements related to the health protection and safety at work.
- Pay permanent attention to create conditions to increase the level of work culture and overall working convenience.
- Create conditions to assure safe and wholesome working environment and accept measures to prevent possible risks.
- Take measures to resolve potential emergency events and other severe risks.
- Apply consistent prevention to avoid breakdowns, potential accidents and situations that might have negative impact upon health of employees.
- Create conditions to assure safe and wholesome working environment and accept measures to overcome and prevent emergency events.
- Assure and promote the OSHAS principles with all our contractors and prefer those partners who apply the same.
- Use and improve the system of employee education to increase their expert knowledge and responsibilities for health protection and safety at work.
Quality Objectives
Management has ensured its quality objectives are established and communicated within the company. The Quality Objectives are measureable and consistent:
Certificate Number: 01 100 2022568/01
OHSAS Certificate no: 01 213 2022568/01

OHSAS Policy
Aesthetix is committed to have all its operations safe and protected against all hazards affecting occupational safety & health of its employees.
Our Aim at Aesthetix is :
Permanently improve, the activities undertaken and working conditions of our employees to minimize their negative impact upon health and safety at work.